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Sigma Quiz Competition

The Roseline Etuokwu Sigma National Secondary School Quiz Competition is one of the philanthropic activities of the club to bring the club closer to the grassroots. It is the club's believe that the secondary school students would grow to become University students. We aim to impacting their lives.

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The Roseline Etuokwu Sigma Secondary School Quiz Competition is one of the philanthropic activities of the club to bring the club closer to the grassroots. It is the club's believe that the secondary school students would grow to become University students. As such, introducing the club to them right from their secondary school days would guide them in manners to act and way of life to live as students of higher institutions. During this competition, moral and educational knowledge are displayed and students are being trained in manners to become whole human and stand “for all that is pure”. This we believe would keep the students on the right track before entering the university.

From the inception of the competition, over 1,300 secondary schools across the 6 States of the SouthWest Region of Nigeria have participated and witnessed the participation of over 2,600 students in this competition. Apart from the participation of these students and schools, gift items are also won by different schools, students, and teachers for their participation.

For the 2024 edition Sigma Club is the quiz competition for all available secondary schools across all states in Nigeria. The areas of concentration are Mathematics, English Language, and General Knowledge.

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First or State stage

This would be the first stage of the competition. Our representatives would come down to your state to organize a timed quiz on Saturday January 18, 2025 for all the schools that registered online to participate. Out of these schools, 1(one) school would qualify and emerge as the state winner who will represent your state at the Regional stage. A sum of 200,000 Naira will be given to each state winner. The online registration is absolutely free.

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Second or Regional stage

This would be done at the Geo-political Zone Level. All the state winners in a geo-political zone will come together on a suitable Saturday in March to battle it out in another round of a quiz competition. Out of these schools, 1(one) school would qualify and emerge as the regional winner who will represent the region at the National stage. Also, a sum of 500,000 Naira will be given to each regional winner.

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Grand Finale or National stage

The Regional winners would contest at University of Ibadan for the Grand Prizes. It would be held on a suitable date in April, 2025 (after UTME and before WAEC). We shall provide accomodation and feeding for participants at this stage.

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National 1st Position

N5,000,000 (Champion)

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National 2nd Position


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National 3rd Position


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National 4th Position

N500,000 (Consolation Price)

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National 5th Position

N500,000 (Consolation Price)

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National 6th Position

N500,000 (Consolation Price)

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Regional winners

N500,000 each (x 6).

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State Winners

N200,000 each (x 37).

For more Enquires

Loyalist Goke Olaoluwa (Quiz Competition Chairman): 07030251740

Sigma Club

Oldest Students' Organisation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Social and Philanthropic club building whole men capable and willing to make positive impacts in the nation and in the world.